Nip Your Pain In The Bud

photo of multiple packets of opened and unopened medications of various colors and sizes

“More than 50% of chronic opioid use begins in the acute pain care setting.”

Here’s something you probably already know: acupuncture is highly effective for pain management, acute and chronic. Most of my patients in the clinic who see me have pain somewhere in their body, whether it is from an accident or injury, degenerative disease or muscle tension, and they can all probably tell you how much relief they lk,p;=[get from their treatments. 

A little while ago, I came across this study published in the Pain Journal by the American Association of Pain Medicine written to update the evidence of acupuncture therapy for acute pain by reviewing 22 systematic reviews of acupuncture in acute pain settings + 1 review for acute pain in the ICU entitled “Acupuncture Therapy as an Evidence-Based Nonpharmacologic Strategy for Comprehensive Acute Pain Care: The Academic Consortium Pain Task Force White Paper Update”. Here’s what they concluded:

“With an extremely low risk profile, acupuncture therapy is an important strategy in comprehensive acute pain care.”

The sooner you can begin treatment for your acute pain, the quicker and more effective acupuncture can be before pain patterns begin to settle into the body physically, mentally and emotionally. While I most of my patients have chronic pain issues, there are always acute flare ups that happen and longstanding patients can have acute injuries occur. My most acute pain patients are those who have been involved in auto-accidents.

Whether you’ve had pain for 2 days or 2 years, if you find yourself needing to take pain relief medications on a regular basis, I encourage you to schedule an appointment today! Don’t let your acute pain become a chronic issue.

Headshot of Amy Homer Brown with text "ABOUT THE AUTHOR" Click to learn more.

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